Laity Fellowship
We proclaim to you what we have seen and heard, so that you also may have fellowship with us.
And our fellowship is with the Father and with his Son
– 1 John1:3
All Saints CSI Parish Laity Fellowship was officially formed in 2016 with a few lay members joining hands together to support the Parish with service arrangements. Although we are still a small growing group, the Laity Fellowship stands clear with their focus on strengthening and engaging the lay members in the spiritual activities in a meaningful manner, and to establish social development and awareness among the people in the community. The Fellowship also helps the church to function on Christian principles and for the mental and spiritual welfare of the Parish members.
The Laity Fellowship leads the Harvest Festival and the Annual Fellowship Lunch, a festive gathering to celebrate togetherness and Onam engaging all organizations and individuals.
Laity Sunday is observed in August and the lay members take an active part in the worship service on that day. The Laity Fellowship actively engages in various Parish programs, Passion Week service arrangements, Family retreat and Parish Day celebrations.
All the members of the Parish aged 13 and above are part of the Laity Fellowship and plays a significant role in the functioning and growth of the Parish.